Friday, February 5, 2010

Head on Over

to Connie's for a guest post tutorial from fun. She was super lucky to get to go to Blissdom this week. So she needed some guest posts while she was MIA.
At Blissdom there were/are tons of fabulously inspiring and crafty women(Mckmama, The Nester, The Vintage Pearl, Gussy, Lisa Leonard, Tip Junkie, Quatro Mama, Life In Grace, The Inspired Room, We are that Family, Smockity Frocks, Kingdom First Mom, 5 Dollar Dinners, and Alli Worthington-Just to name a dozen) from the blog world, the girls from SavvyBlogging met and interviewed Dave Ramsey, and the best part - HARRY CONNICK JR. Was there singing for them, right now, tonight! I'm totally kicking myself for not going!!! I big puffy heart Harry! And yes I can call him that....we're on a first name basis don'tcha know? *wink wink.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Harry will just have to wait...and continue to go on without you.
I can't wait to see what happens on your date with that big strappin'chest of drawers!
Maybe Brad and Angelina ARE really breaking up. I get dibs.