Friday, October 2, 2009

NOT an they would have you believe

[First let me make sure you understand these are my opinions that are based off of studying that I've done. This is just me putting my information out there so you can make your own decision. Not what your Dr. tells you to do.]

I'm sorry, but I'm tired of the news, etc....making us think that this stupid Swine Flu is going to kill us all. Right now fewer people have died from Swine flu than from the typical flu this year. I know that it's a new strand hence the attention.
However, I do NOT vaccinate my children with the flu shot or mist. I don't think it's neccesary. And let me tell you why.

I think that we are made to get sick. A lot of our parents got the measles, mumps, etc...that we now have immunizations for. A lot of them did NOT die. I got the chicken pox as a child as most of us Gen X'ers did. I did NOT die. My child will not die from getting the chicken pox. I refuse to give my children vaccines that I feel they do not need.

The CDC has come out with a new Swine Flu Vaccine. Go to their website HERE to keep up with the virus. Obviously it's only available to a special group. However, if I was pregnant I would NOT be getting it. A lot of the dosages contain Thimerosal. This is a mercury based preservative. First, mercury is bad for your body. Second, if preservatives are bad enough for us to eat, why on earth would I let you inject it into my blood stream??? Do I look stupid? Preservatives in some adults/children can cause reactions so severe in behavior that they turn into different people in a short amount of time. How do we know what could be the cause of it in vaccines. Yes, I know that preservatives keep the vaccines from being contaminated, and I'm NOT discounting that. AT ALL! I just think for MY family we don't want them. MY OPINION, and I'm just putting it out there.
There has been at least one study of a natural fruit extract, Elderberry of helping prevent the H1N1 Flu. Fruit sounds healthy to me. Here is one link. HERE is another link. And HERE's one that explains why it works and what the fruit does.

Now I hope you've read this far without getting angry if you don't agree with me. I just believe in Natural supplements. I use to be an RX girl...and still kinda am. But I am doing what I believe is right for my family. And so should you.

Now several of the flu shots have Mercury in them still. Check it out here. Now the flu Mist doesn't. However the flu mist is a LIVE vaccine and it CAN spread the live flu virus to others after you receive it. That is why I don't get these for our family.

My older children (2+yrs) are all on
-a daily vitamin
-daily Omega 3
When the flu started going around OR randomly during the season, I start them on an Echinachea/Vitamin C daily, and Live Powder Probiotics.
BUBBA also gets B-12 daily.
Also, I keep my children in general away from GERM ridden places. We only go to mall playgrounds in the summer when it's too hot here in Texas to play outside. And even then I go super early before the mall opens so there are fewer people. And hopefully germs. I'm just careful with where I take them while they are young. It's only for a few years so I don't see the harm. However, we do take them to church regularly which doesn't seem to be a problem.

These are most of my thought on the swine for just general info.

My youngest child is 15 months old. He has only had 3 vaccines. He has had the ones that I feel are of greatest need to him. The ones that protect him from the most dangerous viruses. That's my opinion. Unfortunately my older 2 children including, Bubba have had all of their vaccines up to date (age 3) but they will not have anymore as of right now.

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