Tuesday, March 16, 2010

the EmSeeq by Emfinders

The Emseeq! Fantastic product for those who wander.

This product has been a fantastic comfort for me! Bubba tends to wander and to run off suddenly in hopes that I will chase him. So when I have to throw down my bag, purse, baby and run after him it's a little difficult. This has given me so much more comfort. Especially since he's in public school. I know that they try to keep him safe there as well as I do at home. But "what if"? So this is fantastic in keeping my mind at rest knowing that if that one time he escapes or I'm not with him- We can find him.

""Fast, Reliable, Secure – and Nationwide
The EmFinders EmSeeQ device and service offers significant advantages over other location technologies and methods. EmFinders uses advanced triangulation techniques to determine the precise location of the person wearing the device.

National Coverage
Uses the national cellular network, which covers over 90 percent of the USA and requires NO additional equipment for law enforcement.

Protection and peace of mind for less than the cost of a standard cell phone with monthly service.

* EmFinders EmSeeQ device ranges from $185.00-225.00 per unit.
* Service is less than 82 cents a day.

Designed to work inside buildings, parking garages and other structures where GPS often does not.
Works with 9-1-1 Systems
Integrated into the national 9-1-1 emergency system for fast response time.
Seamless for Local Authorities
Works with all 9-1-1 systems; requires NO special training or purchase of special equipment.
The EmFinders EmSeeQ device is water-resistant and can be worn 24 hours a day.
Easy to Use
No software to install or buttons to push. The battery lasts up to one week in between charging, and alerts the caregiver if device needs recharging.""

Here's bubba posing for the camera! He use to never do this. So I'm enjoying all the pictures I get of him now. It's been at least 2 years since I've gotten a good picture of him smiling at the camera and sitting still. : )

Here's the latch that is childproof. It looks like a mans watch.

1 comment:

Tanya Wilson said...

I'm glad to hear of someone else I know that has a child with sensory stuff. Tatum was diagnosed almost 2 years ago. OT has been a blessing! Both of mine have also recently been diagnosed as ADHD. Good Times! It's amazing what GOD gives us to acclimate our lives to! He only gives us what we can handle, eventhough sometimes it seems like waaaay more!