Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Well, finally I got a chance to update yall on this project. I've had it done for about 2-3 weeks. But just life and lack of internet got in the way.
Here's some before shots including the color. Sorry, I took one at night and they were with my point and shoot camera too.

And here is the after. I adore it.(ignore the baby clothes stacked next to it. I'm packing them up.) I first tried spray on paint since I've heard it's so easy and it turns out great. But since this green wouldn't sand off completely, then I decided to take the Nester's advice and use Behr's Paint n Primer. It's the most fabulous paint and I'll NEVER use another kind again! It only took two coats. Then I sanded down the edges and other places I wanted it to look worn. Next I rubbed Ralph Lauren's faux glaze in Tobacco on and wiped off and topped it off with a sealer and some fabulous new handles.

*if you check out the Nester's link above it's a hint as to what my next BIG project is. :)

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