Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fame for a Cause

If you've been reading my blog for very long you know that my autistic son is a runner.  Not in the sense of a 5k or anything LOL!  But in the sense that he'll run away in public and keep going.  He thinks it's a chase game.  So a year ago when I found a local company that came out with a new type of "tracking device" for Alzheimer's and Autistic people, I jumped up and down and got one.  You can find more my post about it HERE or at the company Emfinders.

So, I did another interview for them with the local ABC channel 8.  I guess the PR firm forgot to call and tell me it would be on because a friend told me about it.  I thought it was funny.  Then when I took the boys to therapy this week several of them told me they saw me on tv.  I might have turned a fushia shade at that moment.  But I'm open to sharing more info on the device since it gives peace of mind to a lot.  I already heard that 2 of the OT's are sharing the info with patients.  I'm SO excited for this.  
Then randomly at church last night our Pastor came up to say hello and joked about how I was famous.Oh goodness I definitely embarrassed now. But for a good cause. Check out the video.