Monday, December 21, 2009

Not ME Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This past week I definately did not stay up all night just so I could clean my kitchen in peace. Nope, not me. I didn't reorganize where the kids crafts go and the mail area in the middle of the night just so I didn't have to listen to whining....NOT ME! I love to multitask during the day cooking dinner, cleaning and maintaining the chaos all at one time- LOVE IT!

I most certainly did NOT get all of the kids piled into the jeep then for some reason throw my keys into the front seat and lock the doors. Because I'm a perfect mother and would never lock my kids into the car. Then of course I would never NOT have a spare key. And then of course my kids would not be freaking out and crying no matter how many funny faces and dancing I did outside the car. And then of course when the Firetruck and Firemen got there they of course were able to open the door before the Maintenance men at my apartments-NOT! And of course I didn't know that one of the abilities of Maintenance at your apartment is to open your locked car.....Now I do.

I also did not see my 5 year old newly potty trained son drop trow outside our apartments and go peepee. Nope! And then I did not hear from his teacher that he did the same thing on the playground at school! Nope, not my kid! My kids have perfect manners!

And most definatly did not get angry at my husband last night when while we were at Santa he told the kids that when we got home and after dinner we could make christmas sugar cookies! Nope, not me! And then we it actually came time to make them, and of course I MADE THEM, I didn't get frustrated at my husband again. Not because I was already exhausted and had a long day did I yell at my husband and then make him put our sugar filled green icing mouth stained kids to bed by himself.