Saturday, December 11, 2010

So galore!

Last week, I was more than in shock when I got an email while riding (not driving) in the car.  I screamed and jumped up and down (sitting down).  My husband looked at me like I was a little crazy, until I told him that I had won a Gussy giveaway! 
{by the way, Gussy is a household name in our home, along with my other online friends. My hubs knows all about them you would think we're really IRL girlfriends.}

Not only did I win just a giveaway, I won the November Sponsor giveaway which included 13 prizes.  WHAT??? 13?  What will I even do with so many thinngs?  I was so ecstatic and couldn't wait to pick out gifts from my prizes. 

I will post in a couple of days as I receive all of the gifts, but for now please check out Gussy.  She is fun, spunky and so adorably friendly!  She has great advice on how to start your business online.  She has been so inspirational.  She's a lucky duck who got to quit her full time job, to work at home and sew Gussy things.  And these things are Fab U lous!  I can't wait to get my hands on a new tote in January with the awesome new colors.  She's also just great reading.

Gussys: Blog  Store 
Follow her on twitter: @GussySews
Like her on Facebook: Gussy Sews or Maggie Whitley

1 comment:

Texasholly said...

That is awesome. I love unexpected gifts!