Saturday, July 17, 2010

A place for shoes

Several months ago we discovered Ana @ Knock Off Wood. We needed a place for shoes and decided obviously that the cheapest and easiest way for us would be to build it. And we both enjoy hands on and building. So we just went after it. We took one of her plans for a bench and modified it to the size I was looking for.

Now, this color actually turned out NOT the color I wanted. I wanted more turquoise and I even toned it down with a RL faux finish I wiped on and off to darken it. I have a different color I need to apply but we're in between homes so it will have to wait since a lot of our stuff is in storage.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I love this! You are so talented. I wish I had an ounce of your creativity. I've been sort of wanting a bench like that, but think they are all so expensive. Never even thought to make my own. My dad is a carpenter and I always say that I wish I had some very basic lessons and a few basic tools.